MOBILE WALKER - a comprehensive solution for completing tasks of varying complexity using a mobile device and a browser
For technical reasons, work in iOS is not available, but you can always use Android devices
MOBWAL PE в Google Play.
Instead of the old "Mobile Walker" solution, the new "MOBWAL HE" is registered
MOBWAL HE в AppStore.
Instead of the old "Mobile Walker" solution, the new "MOBWAL HE" is registered
MOBWAL HE в Google Play.
Launched alpha version of the new resource
The list of changes and functionality will be published on this site as they are implemented.
I am waiting for your feedback and suggestions on the page
Testing of a mobile application for the Android platform has been completed.
The application is published on the page
Google Play
I am waiting for your feedback and suggestions on the page
<% - The development of a mobile application for the Android platform is completed. Testing is underway. The first release will be published soon in Google Play, and then in AppGallery (for Huawei).
The application is written in Java and using Android Studio IDE.
The APK installation file is approximately 3MB in size.
The routes are designed for the iPhone platform and are fully compatible with Android.
To be continued...
Configured support: Russian, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish
Published in the AppStore "Mobile Walker" (1.112) and "WalkView" (0.51)