
Cloud solution for storing and collecting data in CSV format. The solution is designed as an alternative to Google Spreadsheets, with the possibility of separate access to data.

Project description

The solution interface is divided into two roles:
    - administrator
    - user

The description of administrator

The administrator is the person who creates the table data to collect. He has two menu options available:
    - My tables
    - Reference books

Reference books

References is a section for creating data, which can later be displayed in tables.


Directories support import and export functions. When importing, you need to follow the rule that you need to pass Name first, and second - Group Name.

Import of directories
My tables

In this section, the administrator can create "tables" that users will then fill in.
The section consists of:
    - speakers
    - Property

Columns are the visual representation of the elements in the table. elements can be deleted, I also move them in the order they appear.

Import of directories

In the Property section, column parameters are created and updated.

Import of directories

Columns are of the following types:
    - Text
    - Number
    - Switch
    - Date
    - Drop-down list
    - File - only available for "MOBWAL Forms"

All column properties:
    - ID - unique name of the column, must be filled with Latin characters only.
    - Name - custom name that the user will see.
    - Group - selection of a group from the directory, if the type is Drop-down list.
    - Width - column width in pixels.
    - Validation Type - Length/Range, Email, etc.
    - Regular expression - available when selecting Text.
    - Regular expression message - available when selecting Text.
    - Minimum date - available when selecting Date.
    - Maximum date - available when you select Date.
    - Minimum value - available when selecting Text and Number.
    - Maximum value - available when selecting Text and Number.
    - Format - available when you select Date.
    - obligatory.
    - Uniqueness - available when selecting Text and Number %>. <%-Allows you to check the uniqueness of the created record.
    - Multiline - Available when you select Text %>. <% - Allows you to enter multiline text.

Description for the user

The user is the person who populates the table data. Only one partition is available to him:
    - tables


The Tables section displays tabular data that needs to be filled out for the administrator. The element consists of:
     - Name
     - Validity

When you click on an element, a transition will occur to fill in the data.


An additional "File" column is available for the MOBWAL Forms solution, which allows you to add files to the result.
